Sunday, July 29, 2007

Jamboree Update!

Day 3 - 28th July 2007 cont.

In the evening an opening party was held, and this featured lots of local bands, and an amazing 12 year old singer!

Day 4 - 29th July 20o7

Splash Day! We went to splash after a long coach ride, 2 hours. Splash is a hlaf days water activity! I took part in some fun raft building. This allowed us to develop team skills and meet new people.

I didn't take my camera, for fear of losing it or it getting wet.

We then waited an hour for a coach and then returned an hour later to the sub camp!

This evening has been Challenge 100, and you guessed it, it has 100 challenges to do in your unit on the camp. We managed to get 91 done, which was the highest so far. Great fun and a good way to meet people.

Blog again soon with photos!



sirwinstonslinky said...

If you happen to meet North Dakota from Troop 215 remind him he has a camera. He has a deal with his dad.

sirwinstonslinky said...

Troop 215 is from Central Florida in the US..

Rob Mac said...

Ben: This is a great posting, As a member of Eurojam, I know how great it must be. We did Eurojam as a member/guest of the english contingent from Leeds. We are now in Albany New York.

If you see an English IST with a Mohawk, named Mick, say hello. He is a great guy and lots of fun.

Rob Mac from Albany New York